Twilight The Movie

>> Wednesday, November 26

I saw Twilight Tuesday night at a cinema packed with "Twilighters", I believe. It was apparent from the time Robert Pattinson's (Edward, lead vampire) character was introduced. His family's super pale-faced cafeteria entrance generated a lot of "oohs" and "aahhs" from the was hard to ignore.

It's a modern day love story between a vampire and a human. A teen flick, if I might say so, with an anatomy resembling numerous teen cult classics that've come before it. No elements were left out: School cafeteria gossips and groupings, parking lot stare downs, prom night preps and date hunts, friends getting together by the beach, class field trips, (cool) family baseball game time, boyfriend entering through the bedroom window, teenage angst caused by parents' divorce, head of police for a dad, did I mention prom night...?

Have you seen Pretty in Pink? How about Underworld? Hybridize those two together, add a hint of Addams Family and any movie with a father and "hurting" daughter tandem and you've got Twilight. I haven't read the book so I couldn't do a comparison... but overall it was OK, not spectacularly so, but it worked. It isn't as forgettable as some critics suggested it would be. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, actually. My fingers are crossed that Kristen Stewart's (Bella) acting will have improved by the time I go view the film again. A lot will disagree with me there. I, however, remain half an inch short of being a fan of her acting (only in that particular film, ya) hehehe

Now go see it with your friends (it's a good date movie too) and grab a CD of the sound track! I promise you'll love it. (Dear Freeloaders, do the record label a favor and BUY yourself a copy of the OST already ;p)

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