Fun Google Tag
>> Sunday, December 21
Thanks for the tag Lizzie! :)
...pardon the delay, i was on a long vacation :D
here it goes:
"The rules are simple. Use Google Images to search for the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture from the first page of the results and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people."
1. age on my next birthday
2. a place i'd like to travel to
3. my favorite place favorite thing
5. my favourite food
6. my favourite color
7. the city i live in
8. the city i was born in
9. my nickname
10. my college major
11. name of my love
12. my bad habbit
13. my hobby wish list (max of 3)
the seven people i wish to tag are:
Alex "bugsy", Chelle, Pinay Keypoint, Marco, Zeb, Darkhorse, Gigi