Best Booze in the Business
>> Tuesday, January 13

Patch Caballero and his Booze Mobile Bar
A cult of sorts is burgeoning in the social drinking scenes of Metro Manila. It is visionary, ultra-creative, and--pardon the pun--increasingly intoxicating. One highly publicized revolution (overdue, in my opinion) is the influential social staple known by many as Booze Mobile Bar. Yes, this would be the same BOOZE MOBILE BAR mentioned in glossies, broadsheets, and online, even. Obviously, words cease to rest when something this addictive comes along. ;-)
Though it's true that there are numerous mobile bars playing "gods" of the local meet and greets, mostly because they are backed by age and experience, we have yet to find one that truly invokes FUN + FAB as well as the uber-youthful BOOZE does. A spinal tap on the who behind the what reveals the laid back, charming, and undoubtedly in-control Patch Caballero -- the backbone and "Bond" of booze.
Patch stresses that his liquor variation will have to always be plentiful, of high quality, colorful, imaginative, entertaining, reasonably-priced and focused-- clearly reflecting what Booze Mobile bar represents. This daring, well-taught aficionado pushes forward the mobile bar fad, virtually liquefying anything that crosses his path. Since Booze Mobile Bar's emergence, drink mixing and flair tending pilgrims have been appearing in the metropolis, creating in Metro Manila a mecca of innovative mobile bar tending.
Patch stresses that his liquor variation will have to always be plentiful, of high quality, colorful, imaginative, entertaining, reasonably-priced and focused-- clearly reflecting what Booze Mobile bar represents. This daring, well-taught aficionado pushes forward the mobile bar fad, virtually liquefying anything that crosses his path. Since Booze Mobile Bar's emergence, drink mixing and flair tending pilgrims have been appearing in the metropolis, creating in Metro Manila a mecca of innovative mobile bar tending.
In the current issue of Entrepreneur Magazine, Patch acknowledges facing increasing competition from lower-priced rivals, but nothing fazes this young business man. He is well aware that mobile bars offering lower rates are able to do so because they use local ingredients while Booze Mobile Bar has been consistent in using only imported elements. This year, however, Patch envisions cost efficient corporate packages without compromising the premium bar tending services that Booze is known for. This means service discounts to grab and enjoy as the year progresses! Of course, The signature flat table that makes Booze Mobile unique will carry on in 2009, allowing guests an instructive and interactive view of how the drinks are made, making this party accent entertaining as it is thirst-quenching.
Add suave, style, and inspiration to your next get-together. Booze Mobile Bar is the simplest way to get that done.
Visit or for... well... the best booze in the business.