>> Friday, February 13

our dearest "Daddy Nanding" (December 13, 1929 - February 8, 2009)
Happ'ly we remember you -- the charm that spells your face
the warmth in it that locked our hearts to your most graceful gaze
Learn did we to listen, still -- for the voice that owned our nights,
Your lullabies that echo through are angels ours, in flight
Your lullabies that echo through are angels ours, in flight
Learn did we to think of you -- in every thought you are
Your hands we hold though truth just has us touch you from afar
~ Learn did we to feel from you -- a warmth surpassing time
Above those many dos and don'ts, you live in all our rhymes
Above those many dos and don'ts, you live in all our rhymes
Learn did we to look with you, at a world, through distinct eyes
Sing do we 'til our sun sets, and we dance until its rise
Sing do we 'til our sun sets, and we dance until its rise
Learn did we to love with you, to love you... to be loved
Tears may sting us, nonetheless, our peace from you, we have
Tears may sting us, nonetheless, our peace from you, we have
Learn did we to say all this which you have often heard
We love you. We just want that clear - beyond our thoughtless words
We love you. We just want that clear - beyond our thoughtless words
Learn did we to realize how favored we've become
We wake up daily giving thanks to the one that you've come from.
We wake up daily giving thanks to the one that you've come from.
Caballero, M. "Learn". Handful of Heaven © 2000