Sahale Snacks Valdosta Pecans
>> Monday, March 30

The first time I tried this product, I used a big blush brush to apply it (which is what I've always done with MAC). It was a royal mess. The brush bristles caused powder dust to scatter everywhere -- on my clothes, my bag (!), the car, the carpet... This was never the case with MAC ( I'm not sure why)
Toward the end of my L'Oreal face powder's life, (and with little personal love for the product), I finally got to read its label. Only then did I find out that it was actually a two-way powder! Which means I could've used it with a wet sponge and it would have been a less messier experience. So I tried a damp sponge on the remaining cake and... I loved it!
It spreads so easy and the label said it perfectly: "it's super blendable!"
I'm on my second compact and I'm still loving it. It rarely cakes, if at all, and it makes "flawless" seem effortless. I'm glad I tried it a second time. I've since switched from mac to l'oreal because of the "super blendable" features of this cool product. MAC is still super OK with me, though... but L'Oreal's True Match face powder costs less than half of MAC's price!
Here's to the right kind of affordable shine, pretty faces. Continue on with MAC or go try L'Oreal. I'm officially a fan of both brands ;-)
Do you sometimes have "bad nail days"? I do. They're when the nails on your fingers and toes seem a tad too dry and your cuticles cause you to go through the day with clenched fists and covered toes.
When this crisis hits, it's time to dab a little magic on your digits. Small drops of either the Cuticle Oil + or Cuticle Care Complex does the trick. Even the dry skin surrounding the nails magically disappear. Try it! Note, though, that if your nails are already too hideous for a quick fix (when they look like you've dug yourself out of a grave or the like) then it's time to get a professional mani-pedi, for crying out loud.
These ideas are for maintenance purposes only ;)
... duh to forever and the tenth of never!!! I swear those people are so tragically disorganized and slow. Shame, shame, shame on that evening's AC staff. Well, a sensible "course of action" comes to mind. Change your people to a less dim-witted set. That might lessen the blow on the venue's reputation.
It was a lovely evening, just the same. We had complimentary tickets.
We have all her Cd's. They're packed with unforgettables that could effectively dim any forgettable live experience.
This works for me. L'Oreal's Derma Genesis. It claims to be a "youth creator" that "re-plumps, tautens and illuminates" the skin. I don't particularly own a tired face riddled with wrinkles... truth be told, I don't believe I have any yet (knock on good wood). However, I do suffer from over dry skin that is often rough to the touch. Hate of all hates.
This is why I've been on the lookout for a really good, hypo-allergenic, not-too-greasy day cream to fix my problem. I used and abused the Neutrogena face moisturizer line for years, to no avail. This year, I'm turning to L'Oreal for solutions.
This here is solution #1. The Derma Genesis. It works like a charm for me. I use it right after getting my face squeaky clean and about 20 minutes before I put on my foundation or face powder. The skin on my face is no longer as rough as it used to be, so I guess it really does re-plump, tauten and illuminate :) ... been on it for a couple of months now and it seems to be doing my face a lot of good. It sure serves as a good, smooth base for make up, at the very least!
Recommending trial to anyone with dry facial skin woes.
Will post all future side effects on the product, if any. ;-)
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